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لاي استشارة طبية تجميلية اسال الاخصائية ميار

الثلاثاء، 1 أكتوبر 2013

Sugar Plant and singing

Sugar Plant <silver sugar> and singing

Candy is the kind of desserts consisting of relatively large sugar crystals is used to lubricate the vocal cords of the larynx and is used by vocalists to spruce up their voices and help them to control the sound better
Contain tablespoon of sugar plant on the rate of 50 kcal, Sugar Plant is a blocks crystal clear and harsh placed in the mouth to melt, shown by some of the food and beverages and has the same benefits of honey in some cases so-called other name <cousin of honey> in terms of in terms of taste Some lookalike shape diamonds.
Made from the juice plant sugar cane or <sugar beet>,  in the past call it outlandish <Tabrzd> But now it is called Name <Sugar Plant> derived from the process of extraction and tastes sweet and for the method of preparation is going through several stages start extracting sugar from the juice plant sugar cane.
Sugar plant has many benefits, mainly that it uses as a medicine chest and throat is also used as a laxative of the gut when it is prescribed for people who suffer from asthma and said that purifies the sound and makes it a net devoid of any hoarseness or roughness therefore accepts it other to make their voices beautiful and most powerful when singing

Coffee and its relationship with urinary incontinence among men

Coffee and its relationship with urinary incontinence among men

A medical study revealed that men who ate more than two cups of coffee per day, or equivalent of caffeine they become more likely to suffer from what is known as urinary incontinence or Alrade urinating as compared to men who ate less amounts of caffeine.
This is the first study of its kind to reveal the existence of a relationship between men consumption of caffeine and coffee and increase the chances of developing urinary incontinence.
The study was conducted on more than 5000 people during the period of 2005-2007 between the age groups which exceeded twenty years where dietary habits were analyzed and the extent of their consumption of caffeine and water and the nature of their diet.
The data showed that those who ate about 234 mg of caffeine or more a day, including increased chances of developing urinary incontinence by 72% compared to people who consumed less.
The researchers stressed that the higher rates of consumption of caffeine and coffee, the higher the risk of developing the disease.

Simple tricks to quit smoking

Simple tricks to quit smoking
We hear every day about Alalkat , electronic cigarettes and other means that help to quit smoking but did you know that you can do
This by following some simple steps or tricks that do not require any effort ?
1 - chewing mint :
Given the existing menthol mint sense that the mouth is clean and refreshing , which gives the brain a signal deceptive executed desire in the quantity of hot smoke and you should carry anywhere mint
2 - water intake :
When much desire to get a cigar you need to do to take a glass of water very slowly and it says anti- addictive in new york < Susan Gayle >: < sweep away the water the desire to smoke and sweep away with him at the same time all the toxins from smoking also says that the desire to smoke does not last more than 15 minutes and goes on : ' by the time you end up a glass of water , you yourself dispersion and eliminate the desire to smoke > .
3 - Chewing gum :
Experts say that the flavor of gum makes your mouth fresh and make the desire to smoke less urgent in addition to the act of chewing itself reduces the desire to oral stirring also makes your mouth busy .
Many smokers chewing nicotine gum as compensation for smoking , but experts advised Balalkh to the sugar-free mint flavor .
4 -: Red and purple grapes :
Does not help chewing grapes alone alleviate the desire to smoke , but operates natural chemicals and antioxidants found in grapes on the elimination of this desire.
5 - Use Calendar Notepad:
When making Decision smoking should set a timetable at least 21 days so you can take off the final and experts say the first few days to quit smoking or any kind of addiction is difficult at all, after these first days weaken the desire to smoke and then goes on periods that do not come up with the desire and so on , so you need the work calendar to put a sign in front of the day that passes without smoke it.
6 - the nicotine patch :
Although many experts refused to use nicotine substitutes because they do not eliminate the physical desire to smoke, but see
It is necessary in some cases because of their psychological impact on addicts smoking, there are three types of adhesive nicotine gum at different levels , on the smoker bulimia < who smokes more than 25 cigarettes a day > that uses a version of the strongest , and smoked at least voracity < less than 7 cigarettes per day > upon the use of the weaker version .

Spices are useful in eliminating fat and diabetes

Spices are useful in eliminating fat and diabetes

A recent study showed that Aelkezhh, ginger, chili peppers and other spices contribute to increase the rate of fat burning in the body note that people have moved recently to the use of natural substances to fight the deposition of fat in the blood vessels.
There are some herbs that can be added our food and Hraibna to the assist the body in burning fat where they can, for example, add Nigella sativa to green tea studies have proved that it can adjust the level of glucose <diabetes> found in the blood and reduce the proportion of fat is also harmful.
The ginger and black pepper powerful herbs which also burns fat can also take advantage of coriander
And thyme and add all of them in sandwiches, for example, because thyme contains anti-oxidant save the body of toxins and harmful fats.
As the curry and cumin for them a strong influence Kamadadin antioxidants, too, as well as two credit retain East Asian peoples strength slim and non-proliferation of obesity have because they add these spices to their food, therefore if we add very small amounts of these spices to eat mushrooms everyday we can maintain good health and mitigation from increased Aozanna.