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لاي استشارة طبية تجميلية اسال الاخصائية ميار

الاثنين، 30 سبتمبر 2013

Alkaline water

Give your body alkaline needed!

Did you know?

Alkaline water that gives you and your children a strong and definite immunity against all diseases, including viruses, bacteria and cancer cells?

- Did you know that the difference between bottled water and health compared with the natural artesian mineral water or spring water was dealing with the digestive system

Of all its problems.
- Antioxidant - get rid of acidic toxins - resist the symptoms of premature aging.
- Eliminate infectious and chronic diseases, resulting from advances in age.
- Provide the body with energy and vitality and high gain immunity

Natural materials to prolong tall

Natural materials to prolong tall
A quarter of a kilo of ground cumin or black bean + crunched peel 10 hard boiled eggs + cup of crushed coconut + cup of honey

+5 Grams of royal jelly + cup juice sweetened any kind by the desire + mix these ingredients together and placed in a tray and put this box in the refrigerator door is intake tablespoon one of this mixture daily on an empty stomach will increase the height by 4 cm every 22 days to communicate.

Apple cider vinegar

- Used in the treatment of expansion and the emergence of the veins
Fill a glass of water and add  to him two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar as a painted area for a period of 3 weeks, twice a day....

The honey

- Used to soften the skin and moisturizing.
- Earns skin vital and softness.
- Mixed with egg white for oily skin fat.
- Mixed with milk for oily skin.
- Nourishing for the skin and is used in the work of masks.

The yoghurt

- Enter into the work of moisturizing masks and nutrition for the skin.
- Helps to remove stains and grain in the face.
- Used as a cleaner for oily skin.
- Is used in the cleaning head and strengthen the hair follicles and rinsing the yogurt scalp before washing the head with shampoo.

The milk

- Used as a cleaner for the skin because it contains protein, calcium and vitamins.
- Is used in the cleaning process to remove make-up, where wipe the face with a wet cotton milk.


- Egg whites, has a strong impact in the pores arrested.
- Egg yolk contains a large amount of fat, so serve to moisturize the skin.
- An effective tonic for the hair because it contains protein and earn glamorous and energetic.

Castor Oil

- Has the effect of a strong and effective in lengthening hair and remove dandruff and stop hair loss and eye lashes.
- Works to strengthen nails and get rid of cracks and drought.
- Used to moisturize the skin and paint the lips and in the work of hair oil bath

Brewer's yeast

- Deep Cleansing the skin and have a characteristic filling and fattening cells and this property benefited beauty experts and they use him in the inflatable face, chest and buttocks in order in the form of cosmetic cream called brewer's yeast cream.
- Helps clarity of the skin.
- Works on bleached, especially if mixed with lemon juice.
- Very useful for oily skin....

الأحد، 29 سبتمبر 2013

Olive oil

- Used to treat nail cracks.
- Cuticle Hair Strengthening.

- With peppermint oil is used to lubricate the skin andGive it smoothness then painted all the body wrapped in plastic and then covered the body for 3 hours.


- Used to strengthen hair and prevent hair loss.
- Thyme leaves are used in the work compresses to treat nipple cracks.
- Used to tighten sagging chest.
- Is a disinfectant for the mouth.


- Cinnamon oil is used to lubricate the skin and nutrition.
- Used in the treatment of sunburn.

Rose water

- Excellent lotion mouth.
- Addresses the skin cracks.
- Opens skinned clearly if used continuously with starch.
- Enter into the work of masks refreshing for the skin.


- Is used in the prevention of the sun as it squeezed lettuce leaves and painted face.
- Is one of the major skin nutrients.
- Used to clean and moisturize the skin.


- Is characterized by the existence of islands Vitamin A is necessary for the beauty and health of the skin.
- Helps islands on the clarity of the skin.


- Have a strong influence in the removal of swelling and puffiness under the eyes as the winning cut Kosheraúh and placed under the eyes.
- Useful for sensitive skin are used to moisturize the skin and cleaned.
- Used potato chips or potato juice in the treatment of skin allergies and areas burned by the sun.


- According cucumber very sensitive skin.
- Uses astringent pores.
- Enter into the work of masks.
- Has a clear effect of rapid lighten skin colour.
- Useful in getting rid of skin pallor.
- Handles burns the skin.

Used to moisturize the skin.


- According to oily skin and tomatoes as well as very dry skin.
- Interference in the work of masks.
- Have a strong impact and effective in closing the widening pores if used the image of
Slices or juice.


- Used parsley drenched in cleaning the skin, especially oily skin or fatty accompanied by grain where he works to remove fat deposits.
- Skin Moisturizeris also used for the skin.
On the other hand is used as an anti-dandruff in the hair.
- As usesGargling to mouth to get rid of odors.
- Used as an aromatic added to bath water.

السبت، 28 سبتمبر 2013

the Orange

- Used Giving vital the skin.
- Enter into the work of Care Hand creams and masks, where he works to remove cracks hands and Give smoothness so cut  orange scrubs hands.


- Apple juice is used as a cleaner for the skin.
- Apple uses in the work of masks.
- Also <apple cider vinegar> has many benefits to beautify the skin.

What do you know about peanuts؟

Peanuts closer to beans and peas , but outperform them its content
Albanian materials for energy, and humans if they eat with pistachio filling 4 cups it
In fact deals with amount of calories , enough for an adult man per day
This , as well as proteins and vitamins (ABC) , which contained peanuts
And half a cup of peanut butter contains.
· 576 kcal .
· 26.1 grams of protein .
· 47.8 grams of vegetable fat .
· 39.3 grams of phosphorus .
· 16.2 grams of niacin.
· 0.2 grams of vitamin B1.
· Alraezovratrul Material that reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke , and can also help to inhibit the growth of cancer cells .
· Peanuts also rich in folic acid is very important for pregnant women in the first trimester.
· Peanut oil contains fatty acids , which is fit for frying and uses
Bearer for some medical drugs pinicillin the .
· That 26 % of peanuts consists of protein and 50% of fatty substances , and atmospheric red that surrounds the seed is rich in vitamin B, and half a kilo of peanuts contains dietary energy as Email 100 grams of red meat grilled or liters of milk , or 32 eggs.
The fat extracted from peanuts thin oily easier on the body is the metabolite differs greatly from fats that make up the plates inside the arteries of cholesterol vital organs of the body such as the heart , kidneys and brain.
The causes hardening of the arteries in these organs to a heart stroke and cardiac insufficiency , and maintains protein derived from peanuts , as well as oils extracted from the elasticity of arteries
Unlike animal fats that cause atherosclerosis, clogged and containing cholesterol.
And maintains peanut oil on the mellowness skin and prevents the appearance achne early , and peanuts not only food for the children it is food for the adults and especially if they age need to food rich in a large amount of protein because the food you eat less quantity and because the process of restoration of cells in their bodies take the slowdown .
Nutrition scientists confirms that the people no matter how different ages need daily intake of protein is no doubt that peanut oil is considered one of the most delicious foods that maintain the proportion of protein in the body.
Perhaps find out the installation pistachio facilitate knowledge Sracbal athletes who practice violent sports and mountain climbers on this kind of nuts and grasp the mystery of African children improved after the addition of pistachios to their food , said a quarter of a grain of peanut protein consists of necessary
For the growth of the body, and another quarter consists of the main source of carbohydrates
Energy and more than a third of fatty substances prolong human feeling of satiety , a feeling felt by the man when eating a meal full of food .

Important Information about nuts

Nuts fun and health is an important source of protein and dietary fiber , fatty acids , vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals elements
That reduce the risk of heart disease and prevent obesity that dealt with small amounts .
Studies show that women who eat nuts are less prone to heart disease and heart attacks compared with women who do not eat nuts , Valmaxrat reduce cholesterol Maybe it's rich
Balhawwaamad mono unsaturated fatty acids and cholesterol is known that accumulates on the wall of the blood vessels and cause a partial blockage .
Due to the lack of content of carbohydrate compounds nuts they prescribed for people with diabetes and is useful ample richness of phosphorus in alerting the brain and nervous system , and perhaps this is the reason behind people wanting them in the holy month of Ramadan .
According to the essential iodine nuts in organizing the secretion of the thyroid glands , and pay for rich iron pancreas and the liver to the store to return to in time of need, which is also rich in vitamin B, C.
And if there are those who get indigestion from eating nuts, van due to the presence of fiber and fatty substances frequently and to avoid it must moderation in the handling and chewed well before swallowing, and that people who are nuts part of their diet do not consume Kdrackbyra of thermal units
As many believe , but to be eaten daily amount by a handful hand , it helps to control hunger and adjust the amount of food they eat them automatically.

What do you know about nuts؟؟

* Nut components:
· 4% water / 100 grams.
· 15.7% protein / 100 grams.
· 65.3% fat / 100 grams.
· 13% carbohydrates / 100 grams.
· 2% salts / 100 grams.
· Nut is rich in vitamin A, B.
· Rich in fatty acids and nitrogen.
· Rich in minerals such as iron and calcium.
· Oil is half the weight therefore is of great nutritional value.
* Therapeutic benefits:
· According to people with TB.
· Benefit people with diabetes.
· Benefits with sand and urinary tract infection.
· Is one of the anthelminthic drugs and eating a spoonful of hazelnut oil a day for 15 days.
· Benefit in cases of fever and eating boiled peel hazelnut bushes by 25 g / liter of water and preferably get the crust in the late winter and dry in the shade.
· According to hazelnut blossoms as a remedy an anti-sagging and boil every 30 grams of it with a liter of water.
· Useful in diuresis and boil 25 grams of paper hazelnuts in a liter of water.

· Is a useful medicine for rheumatism and dry mixing his cards with walnut leaves and a pinch of salt, sand and boiled with olive oil.

What do you know about nuts؟؟

Nut is grown in warm areas of frost - free and its components:
· Vitamin A + B .
· Iron, zinc, calcium and copper .
· 500% mg of phosphorus / 100 grams .
· 680 mg of potassium / 100 grams.
· Is half the weight of oil a walnut Tgaribaaattabr the only kind of nuts that contains omega-3 fatty acids .
· It also contains acid Alaalajk .
Among the benefits of therapeutic nut :
· Helps to prevent inflammation and ease the pain of chronic arthritis because it contains omega-3 acid .
· Fight some types of cancer and is considered an antioxidant because it contains acid Alaalajk .
· Using boiled nut paper in the treatment of inflammation of the eyelids and pimples and Habhama , can also be used for hair tonic .
· Eat a combination of walnut oil with potatoes every evening is useful in getting rid of the Tapeworm .
· The ability to nut crust remove screws meat and that Bdlkha .
· Helps to stop the secretion of milk at weaning the baby by placing a few sheets nut tender breast breastfeeding women .
· According to the paper nut boiled in the fight against sweating and body odor feet
This is done in the form of topical bath for the body and feet.
· Given Kmqo and sexual tonic and it drained nut fraud Bakchorh and workmanship Dry Comerby .
· Emulsion used walnut husk green كفاتح to appetite and strengthen the structure and method of manufacture as follows :
Placed 25 grams of cobalt green in a liter of water and boil to simmer for half an hour and then a little bit of added sugar and drink it before each meal by a cup of coffee .