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لاي استشارة طبية تجميلية اسال الاخصائية ميار

السبت، 28 سبتمبر 2013

What do you know about nuts؟؟

Nut is grown in warm areas of frost - free and its components:
· Vitamin A + B .
· Iron, zinc, calcium and copper .
· 500% mg of phosphorus / 100 grams .
· 680 mg of potassium / 100 grams.
· Is half the weight of oil a walnut Tgaribaaattabr the only kind of nuts that contains omega-3 fatty acids .
· It also contains acid Alaalajk .
Among the benefits of therapeutic nut :
· Helps to prevent inflammation and ease the pain of chronic arthritis because it contains omega-3 acid .
· Fight some types of cancer and is considered an antioxidant because it contains acid Alaalajk .
· Using boiled nut paper in the treatment of inflammation of the eyelids and pimples and Habhama , can also be used for hair tonic .
· Eat a combination of walnut oil with potatoes every evening is useful in getting rid of the Tapeworm .
· The ability to nut crust remove screws meat and that Bdlkha .
· Helps to stop the secretion of milk at weaning the baby by placing a few sheets nut tender breast breastfeeding women .
· According to the paper nut boiled in the fight against sweating and body odor feet
This is done in the form of topical bath for the body and feet.
· Given Kmqo and sexual tonic and it drained nut fraud Bakchorh and workmanship Dry Comerby .
· Emulsion used walnut husk green كفاتح to appetite and strengthen the structure and method of manufacture as follows :
Placed 25 grams of cobalt green in a liter of water and boil to simmer for half an hour and then a little bit of added sugar and drink it before each meal by a cup of coffee .

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