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لاي استشارة طبية تجميلية اسال الاخصائية ميار

السبت، 28 سبتمبر 2013

What do you know about nuts؟؟

* Nut components:
· 4% water / 100 grams.
· 15.7% protein / 100 grams.
· 65.3% fat / 100 grams.
· 13% carbohydrates / 100 grams.
· 2% salts / 100 grams.
· Nut is rich in vitamin A, B.
· Rich in fatty acids and nitrogen.
· Rich in minerals such as iron and calcium.
· Oil is half the weight therefore is of great nutritional value.
* Therapeutic benefits:
· According to people with TB.
· Benefit people with diabetes.
· Benefits with sand and urinary tract infection.
· Is one of the anthelminthic drugs and eating a spoonful of hazelnut oil a day for 15 days.
· Benefit in cases of fever and eating boiled peel hazelnut bushes by 25 g / liter of water and preferably get the crust in the late winter and dry in the shade.
· According to hazelnut blossoms as a remedy an anti-sagging and boil every 30 grams of it with a liter of water.
· Useful in diuresis and boil 25 grams of paper hazelnuts in a liter of water.

· Is a useful medicine for rheumatism and dry mixing his cards with walnut leaves and a pinch of salt, sand and boiled with olive oil.

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