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لاي استشارة طبية تجميلية اسال الاخصائية ميار

الثلاثاء، 2 ديسمبر 2014

Different types of TV ads

Different types of TV ads

Since that time, for the first time commercial to be aired on television from the Bulova Watch Company in July 1, 1941 has been the formation of many of the ads categories. Advertising has become an integral part of daily life, and play an important role in the decision-making of consumers. Advertising has become such power that even a politician can not guarantee success in the election campaign if it has not been advertised on television. Different categories of television advertising, political advertising, promotional advertising, infomercials, television commercial donut, promo, and sponsorship.
Political advertising is only accessible to citizens in a particular region to capture their vote bank. It's the most effective method of advertising is very important also because they affect the nation in a big way. The main platforms to advertise their political campaign is a television and radio known as audio-visual media. This also depends on the money raised through political campaigns. Earlier the money raised and more money raised, and the best way of advertising. Jean-party candidate usually contribute money. To advertise through television specialized consultants and be contacted to buy slots on the local network or national. That even a candidate for local office put an ad on TV has been observed. 
Promotional ads or product placement ads are commercials placed on television by marketers include commercial products to increase sales and services. Promotional ads can be featured on TV, movies, videos, music, books and websites screens and even video games. You can save a good amount of money by consulting sales executives and by renting location, models and props.
TV ads are popular with the auto industry and the James Bond movies and credited to encourage them. Promotion of cigarettes or any other tobacco products in movies has always been a point of contention, as most of the governments of the countries put up an end to the promotion of such items. Authenticity of the products and services advertised many times questioned by the consumer as some of them can be misleading. To address this, it has been the formation of many consumer groups who demand full disclosure of product advertising companies. In the event of any refusal of cooperation of any kind these groups are likely to criticize the case against her company and the product. Can differentiate between advertising the product on the basis of appearances, such as care, reduce costs oriented, brand integration and fee based. Welfare is a contribution from the company to soaps or sports games. It is known brand integration, the annexation of the product in a movie or video song.
The infomercials discrimination from other TV ads on the basis of time. They are usually thirty minutes long like a regular program. It is also known as a shopping or paid programming. One can arrest at odd hours of the day such as early morning or late at night. It's actually a commercial letting of full information about a particular product, such as expert advice on the product and how it should be used, the cost, and where it is available. They resemble more like a talk show than for commercial advertisers and viewers to communicate with the help of catchy phrases, celebrities and experts.
Donut commercial TV is the template. It's like a blueprint and all necessary to create a commercial center elements, but the actual product is missing. Usually advertisers who have produced for commercial use difficult. LANs in exchange for the purchase of broadcasting on their respective foregoing donut business channels. It is a very effective way in terms of cost but has a lack of creativity that will not guarantee attract customers. With advances in technology, video editing, and this option is increasingly popular among advertisers.
Boredom or promotional advertising network involves television advertising. The amount of commercials that are hosted on local and national television has been rising day after day, and appeared almost everything one can imagine in the world.
Is sponsoring a program or channel to promote their products or program for the cause. And support group or individual financially to advertise his product, service or organization.

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