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1- لتطويل القامة | 2-لعلاج حب الشباب | 3- لتوريد الشفاه | 4- لازالة الشعر الغير مرغوب فيه للابد | 5- لعلاج البهاق بانواعه | 6- لازالة نهائية لقشرة الراس | 7- لتبييض البشرة بطريقة طبيعية | 8- لتكثيف الشعر طبيعية | 9- لتكثيف الرموش بطريقة طبيعية | 10- لتبييض الاسنان بطريقة طبيعية

لاي استشارة طبية تجميلية اسال الاخصائية ميار

السبت، 20 ديسمبر 2014

Rufaida Ala Aslamiya

Rufaida Ala Aslamiya

Rufaida AL Aslamiya, Islam's first female nurse , lived during the time of prophet mohammad, peace be upon him , and was one of the first people in madina to accept islam.
She was acompassionate women who was most famous for treating soldiers in battle. Prophet mohammad, peace be upon him , invited her to help muslims by giving medical help to his soldiers when they needed it the most .
In times of war , Rufaiada set up hospital tents , next to the battlefield so that injured soldiers could be treated at once . she trained  other nurses to help as many injured men as possible.
They were trained to treat wounds , but also to be caring and kind .
Rufaida's success was noticed by prophet mohammad , peace be upon him . To encourage her , atent was set up by the prophet's mosque, peace be upon him , so she could continue her voluntary work helping the sick , using her own money . she listened to people and looked at how the lived .
Then she helped them make their lives healthier and more comfortable .
Just as the pophet , peace be upon him , understood the importance of her work , people around the world today , especially
Doctores and nurses , should continue to view Rufaida as an example of compassion .

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