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لاي استشارة طبية تجميلية اسال الاخصائية ميار

السبت، 28 سبتمبر 2013

Important Information about nuts

Nuts fun and health is an important source of protein and dietary fiber , fatty acids , vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals elements
That reduce the risk of heart disease and prevent obesity that dealt with small amounts .
Studies show that women who eat nuts are less prone to heart disease and heart attacks compared with women who do not eat nuts , Valmaxrat reduce cholesterol Maybe it's rich
Balhawwaamad mono unsaturated fatty acids and cholesterol is known that accumulates on the wall of the blood vessels and cause a partial blockage .
Due to the lack of content of carbohydrate compounds nuts they prescribed for people with diabetes and is useful ample richness of phosphorus in alerting the brain and nervous system , and perhaps this is the reason behind people wanting them in the holy month of Ramadan .
According to the essential iodine nuts in organizing the secretion of the thyroid glands , and pay for rich iron pancreas and the liver to the store to return to in time of need, which is also rich in vitamin B, C.
And if there are those who get indigestion from eating nuts, van due to the presence of fiber and fatty substances frequently and to avoid it must moderation in the handling and chewed well before swallowing, and that people who are nuts part of their diet do not consume Kdrackbyra of thermal units
As many believe , but to be eaten daily amount by a handful hand , it helps to control hunger and adjust the amount of food they eat them automatically.

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