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لاي استشارة طبية تجميلية اسال الاخصائية ميار

الثلاثاء، 1 أكتوبر 2013

Spices are useful in eliminating fat and diabetes

Spices are useful in eliminating fat and diabetes

A recent study showed that Aelkezhh, ginger, chili peppers and other spices contribute to increase the rate of fat burning in the body note that people have moved recently to the use of natural substances to fight the deposition of fat in the blood vessels.
There are some herbs that can be added our food and Hraibna to the assist the body in burning fat where they can, for example, add Nigella sativa to green tea studies have proved that it can adjust the level of glucose <diabetes> found in the blood and reduce the proportion of fat is also harmful.
The ginger and black pepper powerful herbs which also burns fat can also take advantage of coriander
And thyme and add all of them in sandwiches, for example, because thyme contains anti-oxidant save the body of toxins and harmful fats.
As the curry and cumin for them a strong influence Kamadadin antioxidants, too, as well as two credit retain East Asian peoples strength slim and non-proliferation of obesity have because they add these spices to their food, therefore if we add very small amounts of these spices to eat mushrooms everyday we can maintain good health and mitigation from increased Aozanna.

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